Sunday, June 12, 2016


I have put my life on hold for a very long time. Now. I am ready to face life head on. I know that I should have never stop writing, it's unfortunate, that I let my pain and suffering, get into the way of my goals. Over and over, I kept asking myself, "why me"? Today. I have come to terms that, if you really want something in life, you have to work hard at it. Like they say! Work Hard-- Play Hard.
I always thought that one day I was going to wake up in my  book was going to be complete. Honestly. it was just sitting there on my computer in a file click away!
Today is a new year for me. I am going to make it my business to push myself to do what I have set out to do years ago. I am tired of feeling sorry for myself.
I am truly ready to face myself!